23 March 2012

HPU question paper for CSE/IT

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B.Tech. Vth Semester Examination(2007)
Visual Basic Programming(CSE/IT)
Paper: IT(ID)-5004
Note: Attempt five questions in all, selecting one each from Sections A,B,C and D. Section E is compulsory.

1. What are Visual Basic programming conventions? Also explain the use of object browser. [15]
2. How do we declare the variables implicitly and explicitly? How can we ask VB to enforce variable declaration? What is meant by a scope of a variable? Also mention different control structures available in VB. [15]
3. What is the difference between a procedure and a function? What are different ways of passing arguments? Explain by taking suitable examples. [15]

4. Give list of different ActiveX components. What are ActiveX controls? Write steps to add and remove ActiveX controls. [15]

5. Explain the role of Visual Data Manager in creating databases in VB. Also explain the function of Data Control. [15]

6. What is ADO? How it differs from RDO and DAO? [15]

Section- D

7. How FTP and HTTP works. Differentiate between HTML and DHTML pages. How they are created? [15]

8. Write a note on File System Object. Also explain createtextfile and opentextfile method. [15]

Section- E

3. Attempt the following questions:
(a) What is Windows API?
(b) What is the difference between MsgBox statement and MsgBox() function?
(c) What are different ways of accessing files? Explain with an example the difference between write # and input # functions.
(d) How MDI differs from SDI?
(e) What are control arrays?
(f) Define inheritance.
(g) What is recordset and how it is manipulated?
(h) Give significance of OLE.
(i) What is VB script?
(j) Give function of an event handler. [10x4=40]


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