23 March 2012

HPU question paper for CSE/IT

B.Tech 6th Semester Examination
Advanced microprocessor & microcontroller (ECE)
Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 100
Note: Attempt 5 questions in all, by selecting at least 1 question from each of section A, B, C, D and entire section-E.

1. Draw the block diagram of internal architecture of 8086. Explained the function of each.
2. What is addressing modes? Explain the various addressing modes available in 8086 with suitable example.

3. Discuss the format & function of various jump & loop instruction with example.
4. Write an assembly language program for keyboard detect, debounce encode procedure

5. Draw the pin diagram of 80286. Explain his function of each pin in brief?
6. Discuss the operating mode of 80386 & 80486. Compare the important feature?
7. Discribe the function of each block of internal architecture of 8051. [20]
8. Discuss:
a) Development system for micro controller.
b) Serial data I/O. [20]
6. Explain:
a) What information appears on the address/data bus of the 8088 while ALE is active?
b) Purpose of interrupt flag.
c) Name the four general purpose data register of 8086.
d) Which register r called base register?
e) Explain the purpose of CAP pin in 80286.
f) Two difference between 80286 & 8086.
g) Two similarities between 80386 & 80486.
h) Purpose of end directives.
i) Difference between an intersegment & intrasegment jump.
j) How is the procedure identified as near or far? [20]


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