22 November 2013

Human Resource Development

Human Resource Development
n  A set of systematic and planned activities designed by an organization to provide its members with the necessary skills to meet current and future job demands.
Emergence of HRD
n  Employee needs extend beyond the training classroom
n  Includes coaching, group work, and problem solving
n  Need for basic employee development
n  Need for structured career development
Primary Functions of HRM
n  Human resource planning
n  Equal employment opportunity
n  Staffing (recruitment and selection)
n  Compensation and benefits
n  Employee and labor relations
n  Health, safety, and security
n  Human resource development
Training and Development (T&D)
n  Training – improving the knowledge, skills and attitudes of employees for the short-term, particular to a specific job or task – e.g.,
q  Employee orientation
q  Skills & technical training
q  Coaching
q  Counseling
Critical HRD Issues
n  Strategic management and HRD
n  The supervisor’s role in HRD
n  Organizational structure of HRD
Supervisor’s Role in HRD
n  Implements HRD programs and procedures
n  On-the-job training (OJT)
n  Coaching/mentoring/counseling
n  Career and employee development
n  A “front-line participant” in HRD
HR’s strategic role
n  Employees as organisation’s assets
n  Driving business strategy
n  Spanning organizational functions
n  HRD Deliverables:
n  Performance
n  Capacity Building
n  Problem solving/consulting
n  Org. change and development
Challenges for HRD
n  Changing workforce demographics
n  Competing in global economy
n  Eliminating the skills gap
n  Need for lifelong learning
n  Need for organizational learning

Overall HRD Model


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