A cobol converter runs on all cobol platforms. It works at high logical level, means you don’t need to specify the byte offset and field length, you just map structures and fields in source and destination records. A cobol converter converts alphabetic fields from ASCII to EBCDIC and vice versa. It translates binary fields between big-endian and little-endian. Cobol converter has built-in protection for the non-numeric data in COMP-3 and zoned decimal fields. It supports multi-dimensional arrays inside the records, but it has certain limits for that. Cobol converter properly initializes all elementary and group items which includes repeated ones with default values. It confirms to most of ANSI85 COBOL data features. It has a large internal record size limit of 1GB and its actual limit depends on the host operating system. To achieve maximum performance, cobol converter parses cobol copybooks at run time, but only once, during the first call. It is distributed as a source code module that allows you to change program name, maximum input output data structure sizes and other parameters can also be changed, and you can have as many copies as you want with different execution rights or transaction names. It converts data to variable or fixe size XML documents but reads only fixed size documents. Cobol converter is available in standalone, batch and stored procedure version.
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